Paper Recycling
Diamant has signed a recycling Agreement with Edipack sha, the biggest packaging manufacture in Albania.
This agreement comes in line with the implementation of ISO 14001:2004 standards in Diamant as well as with the building of a Social and Environmental Responsibility Program. The main objective of this agreement is to recycle 80 % of Diamant’s paper waste which comes from two main sources: from the office activity and from the warehouses operations.
The recycle implementation program is as easy as it seems! Each desk is equipped with e separate bin for general waste and a ‘recycle’ logo bin which is used only for waste in forms of papers. Each day, all the recycle bins are emptied in one 20’’container which upon fulfillment, is delivered to Edipack company for fully recycle/reuse of the waste. This container is dedicated only to collect paper and packaging that are for recycle.
Diamant has also applied few other tips in reducing paper printing and increasing its green awareness; online database and both side printing for internal usage are some of them